There is a lot of advice for mothers on how they can balance parenting with their
personal and professional responsibilities. However, you will not find much on parenting suggests for
fathers, as society still considers them the breadwinner and thinks it is perfectly okay for them
to be fathers without being involved. However, this thought process is gradually changing.
If you are a busy father, you can still spend quality time with your kids so that you can bond
with them. Here are some tips to help you.
Be Part of Your Child’s Daily Life
You can do daily tasks with your child, like getting them ready for school or driving them to
school. It allows you to talk to them and find out what is going on in their lives.
When you have to do small tasks or chores around the house, get your child to help you out.
Let your child accompany you when you have to run errands. Or, you can ask them to hold the
bulb if you have to change a fused bulb. These simple tasks can be boring and monotonous for
you but your child will be excited to do “adult stuff” and also spend time with you.
Read a Bedtime Story
Even if you cannot tuck your child into bed every night, be sure to get home early at least once
or twice a week or spend weekend nights with them. That way, you can read them a bedtime
story. You can make the story interesting by creating different voices for the characters. Your
child will love it.
Play Games or Do Physical Activities
During the weekends, it is easy to be lazy but you need to be a good role model for your child.
So, put on your workout clothes and let your child accompany you on a brisk walk or jog.
Alternatively, you can play with them in the garden or park. If the weather is not conducive to
outdoor play, take out a board game.
Have Meals Together
Try to have a meal with your child and the rest of the family. This can be breakfast, lunch or
dinner during the week and all meals during the weekends. This is a great way to bond with
your kid and other family members. Find out what is happening at school and in their lives. Do
not judge or pass comments. Just listen.
Assist Your Child with Their Studies
Usually, getting a child to study for exams or doing homework is seen as the mother’s
responsibility. However, the day you return early from work, you can help your child with their
homework and give the mother some respite. It will not only allow you to spend time with
them but also help you clarify their doubts about the subject.
There are many ways fathers can spend quality them with their kids. These are just some
suggestions that you can use to forge a meaningful connection with your child.