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Important : We are temporarily not accepting new academy registrations for the demo booking program. If you wish to join the program, please drop us a mail at wecare@kidwise.in and we shall inform you when registrations open again!

Thank you for your interest in the program.

Register for the Online Demo classes booking program on Kidwise now!

If you offer Free Online Demo Classes, you can get leads for your online classes now from parents across India, like hundreds of online academies already do.

How it works

Simple. Once you register for this program, Kidwise will provide leads (demo bookings) of parents interested in the subject(s) you offer, who have booked a free demo class on Kidwise.

You shall need to contact them, schedule & conduct a free online demo class (typically in a group, but you may do 1:1 if you prefer). The demo provides a great opportunity for you to convert them to your paid courses. For more details see FAQs below.

What next?

Easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Fill the Online Demo Program Registration form, providing basic academy details & subjects offered (max. 5).
  2. Request parents of your current/past students to vote in your support (through WhatsApp).
  3. Once you have minimum 5 votes, you can begin getting free online demo bookings soon.

Registration is open for a limited period to sign up only the next 100 academies

No payment now : No charges for registration, or for your first 10 demo bookings / first one month. See FAQs for more details below.


Teachers & Academies Registered


Subjects / Activities Available


Demo classes booked monthly

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There are no charges to register for the program. Once your registration is approved, and you are eligible to get demo bookings, your first 10 (ten) demo bookings or the first one month of membership (whichever is later) is also free.

Through this program, we will provide leads (demo bookings) from K-12 parents for the subjects you teach. You shall need to contact them and schedule a free online demo (typically in a group), and then conduct the demo class, which will typically be 45 – 60 minutes, on Google Meet, Zoom etc. The  free demo class provides you an opportunity to convert the parents for a paid course for the child.

We currently offer demo bookings for over 20 hobbies & activities.  We are continually adding more subjects as more talented teachers join the program. You can view the current list of subjects when you are filling in the Registration Form. You can select upto 5 subjects you offer, as long as you can conduct free demo classes for those. In case, your subject is not listed in the form currently, please send us a whatsapp message on +91 7499997910 or email us at wecare@kidwise.com and we shall add that as soon as feasible.

We will soon be starting a similar program for academic subjects also. If you also offer tuition/classes for academics,  and conduct free online demos for those also, you can join the waitlist here, and we shall inform you when start bookings for those.

Parents can view the subjects & activities for  kids of various age groups, and book free demo classes as per their interest, on the Kidwise website here, or through other channels like WhatsApp, Facebook ads etc. On our website, they can choose upto 3 subjects/activities out of the multiple options available, and book one free demo class in each subject.

When parents book a demo class for upto 3 subjects, Kidwise assigns each subject booking to a particular academy which has registered for the program.  This is done by our system on the basis of multiple factors including number of votes for the provider, promptness in scheduling & conducting demo, feedback from parents on the demo classes etc.

A booking for a particular subject by any parent, is assigned only to a single academy – hence it is important that you contact the parent promptly and schedule the demo. In case the parent makes another booking for the same subject, then the booking may be assigned to a different academy.

Sometimes the system may assign the same academy to a parent for more than one subject – e.g. you may be assigned a booking by the same parent for both Art & Music. In such cases, only one booking will be counted towards your  5  free bookings on registration.

When a parent books demo classes for their child, the assigned teachers will get a whatsapp message on the whatsapp number provided in the registration form. The message will contain the following : Parent’s Whatsapp/phone number; Subject booked;  Child Age group (optional)

On receiving this message, you must contact the parent to schedule the free demo promptly. You may contact them through whatsapp message (preferred), or call them to schedule the demo.

Remember :

(1) Contact the parent soon after your receive the booking. Delaying this may lead to parent booking other classes or forgetting about the booking they made.

(2) Mention that you are calling to schedule the free demo class booked on KIDWISE. They may not recognise your academy name when you call or message, so mentioning Kidwise will help them to relate to their booking.

There are 3 stages after the demo booking :  (1)  Reaching the parent to schedule the demo (2) Having the child attend the demo class at the scheduled time (3) Convincing the parent to purchase the paid courses after the demo

Here are some  good practices which we have observed from academies which have been very successful on this program:

  • Message the parent on whatsapp promptly (ideally within 1-2 hours of the booking), mentioning their booking made on Kidwise, and introducing yourself.
  • Suggest 2-3 alternate demo class schedules ideally within 2-3 days from their booking, but certainly not beyond a week.
  •  If no reply/confirmation on whatsapp, then next day try to call them on phone to schedule. Follow up with another message if still unreachable.
  • Send a reminder message on whatsapp in the morning of the scheduled demo day. These steps help to reduce students not showing up for the scheduled demo.
  • When scheduling the demo, and in the reminder message, try to ensure that the parent is available for at least 5-10 minutes at the end (even for older kids, where parent may not join for demo)
  • Try different approaches on how to inform parents about your course details, fees, options etc., and see what works best for your academy.

Bookings are automatically assigned to academies by our system using multiple factors. Here are some tips which will help you to increase the number of leads assigned to you:

  1. Votes from current/past students’ parents to support your academy. More votes in support indicate that parents are satisfied with your classes. To request for more votes from parents, share the whatsapp message you will get after you submit your registration form. To vote for your academy, parents will only need to send a message VOTE XXXX to +919175956381 , where XXXX will be your academy ID which you will get after submitting the registration form.
  2. Promptly scheduling & conducting the demos: Conduct the demos within 3-4 days, or a week at most. Many parents message us for an alternate teacher if the assigned teacher/academy does not contact them or delays in scheduling the demo.
  3. Ensuring demo is conducted timely & meets expectations: We request parents for feedback after the demo, and use this to assign classes. Do not use the demo only to sell your classes, but ensure that the child understands and builds an initial interest in the subject.

After completion of one month from the time your  registration is completed, or the first 10 demo bookings are assigned to your academy, whichever happens later, we may invite you to become a Premier Member Academy on this program, depending on the number of  parent votes secured, and the feedback received from parents. To become a Premier Member Academy, you can choose from our customised monthly subscription packages, which begin from Rs. 499 per month* onwards. Details of these packages also vary depending on the subjects, paid course fees, and additional services offered.

No, Kidwise’s role is limited to creating the demo booking for the academy, and we have no role in the conduct of the class. We do, however, requiest parents for feedback to ensure that only genuine and good quality teachers & academies are assigned bookings through this program. We often delist academies for which we receive  complaints, especially like:

  1. Academy did not contact to schedule or conduct the class
  2. Academy declined to conduct free online demo / asked for payment for conducting demo class
  3. Repeated complaints on poor quality of the class / did not meet expectations
  4. Teacher only tried to sell the paid courses during the demo

Please inform us if you want to withdraw from this program anytime, by sending a whatsapp message on +917499997910, and we shall disable your academy. Let us also know if you are temporarily pausing online demos e.g travel, health/family issues etc., and we shall also temporarily disable, and activate again when you inform us.

If you are a Premier Member Academy, and you choose to withdraw from the program you can be eligible for a refund for prepaid membership fee, as per the Premier membership T&C.

©2024 Kidwise . All trademarks used on this website are the property of their respective owners.


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Here are some sample reviews from parents, to help you to share your own experiences:

Best classes for mathematics in Erandwane/Kothrud area. Limited kids per batch and give personal attention. We had a very good experience. My daughter is happy with teaching by ***** teacher.

Very engaging and fun filled sessions for the kids .My 8 year old throughly enjoyed all the sessions. Kids get a platform to express their views on various topics. Suggestion is to make this workshop extended from 1 month to 2 months or more.

My child has made excellent growth. The teacher gives attention to every child adequately and my child is very eager to attend the classes. And the teacher also has excellent skills in art.

We have seen ***** school growing from a pretty new school to a developed school in last four years. They focus lot on academics, extra curricular  actives and lot more.  They embed a lot of fun activities with academics which makes kids picks the basics as well as advance topics pretty well.  Teachers are attentive and they provide a very elaborated feedback about the child on quarterly basis. In short it's fairly a good option for kids for their overall growth.

Highly mismanaged branch of *****. Poor planning. No proper communication with parents. Teacher retention is very low. Good teachers gets transferred to other centres. In past 3-4 years 3 principal changed. Everything they do is for name sake. Workshops/ seminars are more of a sales  pitches. 10% return of value for your money.

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