New year resolutions for parents

New Year is the time to make new resolutions and start your life afresh on a positive note. You must have jotted down resolutions on health, fitness, career or life in general. How about making parenting resolutions?

Parenting is a continuous journey where you have your fair share of ups and downs. However, if 2022 has made you realise a few areas of change or improvement, you have 2023 to work on them.

Here are recommendations for parenting resolutions for 2023:

Spend More Time as Family

Household chores and professional obligations take up most of your day. Children remain busy with studies or extra-curricular activities. It isn’t surprising that you all get little time to spend as a family except on weekends or holidays.

This year, make a resolution to spend at least one hour of family time every day. It could be taking your meals together, going for a walk after dinner or playing some games before bedtime. This will make a big difference in your family bonding.

Be a Mindful Parent

How many of you are guilty of browsing through your phone, replying to work emails or doing some other activity when your child is talking to you? While your intention is not to ignore your children and you have multiple things to do, this attitude can hurt them.

This year, make a resolution to give your undivided attention to your children whenever they have something to share. It could a few minutes but your attentiveness will make them feel precious.

Focus on the Good Traits of Your Children

Parents often tend to nag their children about their poor manners and other wrongdoings. This is no doubt done out of love and care. However, such kind of constant negative pinpoint may lower your children’s self-esteem and make them feel good for nothing.

This year, make a resolution to focus on the good traits of your children. Train your eyes to capture what good stuff they are doing. It could be as simple as organising their toys, helping you in the kitchen or doing self-study for exams. Most importantly, do not forget to appreciate and praise them for their good behaviour.

Teach Them Practical Life Skills

Today, children are so engrossed in academics and after-school activities that they hardly know how to deal with the practicality of life. Do your children know how to cook or at least know the names of basic spices? Can they fetch groceries or stationery from a shop independently? Do they know what is a debit card or a cheque book? Do they know how to handle medical emergencies at home?  There are no books or courses in schools to teach these things.

This year, make a resolution to introduce your children to practical and day-to-day aspects of life. Sit and talk with them about these things. Involve them in the kitchen. Take them to an ATM or bank. Show them how to use a medical kit or important phone numbers to call during emergencies. This will prepare them for real-life challenges.

What New Year resolution you have made for 2023?


About Sneha Malhotra

Sneha is a mother of a teen son, and formerly an HR consultant, who is currently considering getting to the back to the workforce. She occasionally writes on HR topics and also on parenting issues - she also hopes to have her own blog soon!


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