There was a time when sending your child for tuition was considered a stigma. But today,
this is no longer the case. Tuition and coaching classes are mushrooming in every nook and
corner of the country due to growing demand. Parents are no longer hesitant to enrol their
children in these classes.
Not every child needs a tutor. However, the following signs are an indication that your child
needs professional coaching:
1. Poor Grades in School
Are your children getting low grades in a particular or all subjects? Has their academic
performance declined? Are they falling behind their classmates?
Unless there is a specific reason like sickness, family event or death of a loved one that has
affected their performance temporarily, poor grades are an indication that they need a
2. Incomplete Homework
If your child gets a school note from the teacher frequently regarding incomplete
homework, then first find out what is the reason. Is it carelessness, forgetfulness or lack of
understanding of academic concepts?
If the reason is the inability to grasp what is being taught in the school, you may consider a
tutor for your child.
3. Parental Limitations
It is perfectly understandable if you are unable to pay attention to your children’s studies
due to personal or professional commitments. Do not feel guilty about it. There are many
parents in a similar situation. Hence, if you are unable to take out time to teach your
children at home or help them complete their homework, do reach out to a tutor.
4. New Academic Environment
Your children may need to enrol in a tuition class if they have switched schools or the
academic board. It might be difficult for them to cope with a new study pattern and a tutor
can definitely help.
5. Competitive Exams
If your children are preparing for school-level competitive exams such as Olympiads,
National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) or Assessment of Scholastic Skills Through
Educational Testing (ASSET), a tutor can provide the right guidance.
6. Learning Difficulty
Every child has a different learning level. Some learn faster, some are slower. Depending on
your child’s learning difficulty in reading or writing, you can consider a tutor.
7. Lack of Confidence
Some children have the potential to score better in their exams. However, they lack
confidence in themselves and often end up making silly mistakes or getting average marks.
A tutor can lift their self-esteem and encourage them to do better in their academics.
If you are looking for reliable and experienced tutors in any subject, click here.
Tags: Academics Competitive exams Confidence Homework learning difficulty parental limitations poor grades tuition tutor