Wordle is the latest online puzzle game that has taken the internet by storm. People have
been playing it every day and have been posting it on their social media platforms. If you
want to know whether your children should play it or teach them how here is a quick guide
to it.
A brainchild of Josh Wardle, a programmer had introduced this game on his family
WhatsApp group, which soon got everyone in the family addicted. He then launched it
globally in October 2020 and since then it has become a huge rage on the internet and social
What is Wordle?
A game that looks like a crossword, the letters appear in white in grey, yellow and green
boxes. You get a new word of five letters every 24 hours. You get six attempts to figure it
out. In a nutshell – one word, five letters, six tries and once a day. The fact that you get only
one word a day leaves the players wanting more and eagerly waiting for the next challenge.
How to Play Wordle?
You can play Wordle on https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/. It is free of cost and
doesn’t require you to download any app.
Whenever you make an attempt, the box colour changes to green, yellow or grey to indicate
whether you are close to the correct guess or not. The green shows the correct letter in the
right spot. The yellow shows the correct letter in the wrong spot. The grey shows that the
letter isn’t in the word. All letters should turn green to crack the word.
You can enter five-burner words which then give you clues about the letters and their
placements. However, after this, you have only one attempt to guess the word.
When you share the successful attempt on social media, it will obscure the word so that
people can’t know the word.
Experts say that you should begin your attempts with vowels. This increases the chance of
guessing the word. If the letter has appeared in grey, you should avoid using it again.
However, this is not a hard and fast rule as some words have similar two letters. For
example, words such as book, mill, class, etc.
Should You Allow Your Children to Play Wordle?
Yes! Why not?
Wordle is an absolutely safe game for your kids. It will increase their vocabulary, spelling,
reading and writing skills. Moreover, since there is only one word to play every day, there is no risk of your kids getting addicted to it and increasing their screen time. In fact, you can
play this game as a family and compare scores for fun.
Have you played Wordle yet? What’s your experience?
Tags: guessing game online puzzle game trending word game Wordle