Kidwise-Tips for Healthy Eating During Exams

Come exam season and exam fever goes viral!
These days kids are under so much pressure to score well top the class etc.

The stress and tension of exams is something we mothers are always worried about but, in all this we tend to forget the importance of healthy food during exams. 
YES! Brain too needs food, healthy food. Sstudies show thate eating healthy during exams helps the child to concentrate more, focus on studies, they are less tired and experience fewer mood swings and lessen stress and anxiety.
So, let’s see how food can calm your child’s mind during exams and, boost their energy. We will share a few tips and tricks to reduce stress in children too. Being stress-free and fresh is really very important for the brain to function well.

This for eating healthy during exams :

*Include all food groups in your child’s meal plan, avoid very and junk food.
*Banana gives them a sudden boost of energy and helps in concentration. It is also known to stabilize blood sugar levels.
*Do you know the darker the vegetable, the higher the concentration of nutrients?
Adding dark veggies and fruits in a child’s diet helps them in concentration and helps gives them good nutrition and vitamins too.
*Making your child eat greens and veggies seems impossible?
*Adding spinach puree to idli, dosa batter, dough for roti, will make it more nutritious.
*Make roti or Bhakri pizza , make a base of spinach and hung curd with seasoning and top it with sauteed
veggies and garnish with cheese. 
*Make green chutney and serve it with a meal. 
*Adding seeds to food will make it nutritious 
*Adding crushed or puree of veggies can be a smart idea as well.. 
Example: In pav bhaji, use pumpkin puree and you can avoid or lessen the quantity of potatoes.
*Skipping meals for studying is not a good idea!
Kids often tend to skip a meal,  for studying. Here is a a simple tip for mothers. Mmake on the food like oats
with veggies, vegetable rice, veggies Dalia, etc .it is easy to eat and fuess free.

  • One of the major issues today is unhealthy snacking:

Chips, biscuits, soda, and cola are preferred these days, a simple swipe with fruits, nuts, berries, roasted
channa, makhana, bhel, sprouts can be nutritious as well as healthy.

  • Midnight snacks can be yogurt with fruits and nuts, sprouts bhel, peanuts chaat, veggies and cheese sandwich, panner with sauteed veggies.
  • Replace those energy drinks and soda and aerated drinks with lime juice, chocolate milk, nuts milk, fruits lassi.
    *Light dinner should be served 
  • Homemade food to avoid infection and stomach bug 
  • Soaked almonds and walnuts should be given to your child in the mornings.
  • Give them some time to play and get fresh, allow them to watch television for some time or let them meet their friends. 
  • For concentration, both of you should practice 15 minutes meditation regularly  
  • Keep them hydrated,- increase their water intake, this will keeps them fresh, as thirst may make them irritated and lazy.
    *Coconut water, buttermilk, milky drinks should be the part of their diet too. 
  • For good memory add rainbow colors to their meal, add berries to smoothies to add colors and nuts to add crunch. 
  • No going empty stomach for the exam, a light meal is a must. 
  • Exam may lead to stress and stress may lead to craving so having dark chocolate, raisins or a piece of jaggery would be a good option than sugar-laden candies and sweets.
    *Sleep is also very important. Make sure your child gets proper sleep too.
    *Make sure they eat a healthy, homemade and balanced meal. Too heavy mealn would make your child lazy and sleepy.
    *Make sure breakfast is filling and dinner is light.
    Keep these tips in mind and help your child be stress-free and healthy during exams.

    All the best!
    What do you do to keep your child stress free and how do you take care of the food intake during exams? Tell us in the comments below!

About Foram

Foram is the owner and founder of SlimPossibleDiets, with 5 years + of experience in nutrition and dietetics. Academically, a diploma holder in food and nutrition and a Diploma holder in food and diet planning, from Tulip International, an affiliate of Gold Coast Training Academy (GCTA) Australia, Diploma holder in weight management from BFY , MUMBAI , a Diploma holder in clinical nutrition and Diploma in childcare nutrition from, VLCC MUMBAI. She worked for a lifestyle management and weight loss clinic for 2.5 years and now independent dietitian. HER MANTRA IS “ STAY CONNECTED, STAY HEALTHY “ She does not believe in giving medicines for obesity or any supplements, she thinks that the kitchen ingredients are enough to help for the same. An online diet consultant, and diet planner for therapeutic diets i.e. diabetes, thyroid, cholesterol, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOD/PCOS) etc.


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